Thursday 25 December 2014


 I got a laptop for the night, some privacy so what should I watch?? I am a guy so my choices are limited. Then I remember I have something to watch, something to keep me alone and busy for the night, I smirk. Now before you get wrong ideas, please get your head off the gutter so that I can tell you what it is.
So I guess that you are a fan of comedy and animation shows...and some adult shows The Family Guy ,The Simpsons and the like. You heard of Brickleberry?? I know you have because I just mentioned it...anyway this is some crazy funny show. It is so funny you will owe me some 1k if you don't giggle (no cheating).
It's about Park rangers at work with....ahh just google it. Well, I have to get my night going so catch you later...